Why we are doing it

We noticed in different places de lack of variety of Colombian coffee despite a strong interest. Many roasters want Colombian coffee but are often restricted to a few major exporters’ choices or farms. We want to bring the perfect balance of accessible prices and diversity.



It all begins with our partners’ visions. Our base product lines and our
seasonal offers are there to encompass as much of it as we can. But
sometimes we can’t tickle exactly right that itch of yours so we also
offer custom services.


After seeing 2 years old Colombian coffee mixed with fresh one, we want to make sure we bring transparent products. We can bring it three days fresh if needed. We provide all the information to understand freshness: , harvest date, dry milling date, (re) packaging.


After seeing year olds mixed coffees from Colombia, we want to make sure we bring transparent products. We will can bring it three days fresh if needed. We provide all the information to understand freshness: harvest date, dry milling date, (re) packaging.

(Re) Packaging

Everyone has different opinions on coffee freshness and how coffee should be kept. We will be completely open. As much as it makes economic sense we will try to vacuum seal, then GrainPro. But for the smaller quantities we will have to unpack in Thailand. And hopefully we will sell it all before it goes stale.


Find out about all the coffees we have ready for preorder. We have a large number of partners who grow coffees and would love to share it with you. Maybe you can find your very own microlot. If you have something very specific in mind we can also bring it to you along with other coffees and we'll split the shipping cost.

Find your coffee now