Floral Irish
Floral Irish
This Chiroso was a great unexpected find . We were looking at getting some Chiroso in our first shipping so that we could share some of the latest Colombian trends. But I personally never tasted a Chiroso that blew me away. the first morning I tasted it my tongue wasn't working I think but Pla yelled "this is it, omg, this is the best thing I tasted since Wilton's Striped Bourbon". And I didn't really understand but I had just woke up.
Then cupping after cupping it would become more and more interesting, it has a lot of layers. I texted Nelson Urrego and told him the story I told you to which he replied "Wilton is paisano mio" which means "he is my regional brother" . So even if the coffees don't taste ANYTHING alike they do have a connection!
Nelson did a great job working on this Chiroso, it's the only variety he works on and he does it well. He was selected in 2023 as one of the 30 best coffees in Colombia during the Colombia land of diversity event. And we of course believe it is well deserved. The coffee is very original floral and yes it has tones of aged whisky or maybe Bailey's is an easier read even if it's definitely not as heavy. A Q grader has found rosemary in it, which I'm not sure I agree with but it definitely has aromatic flavors.
We had fun also trying Juicy Irish a month later which is the exact same bean and almost exactly the same process. The difference is that the climate has changed a lot from la Niña to dry and hot season with el Niño. And Nelson has been trying to create a new balance for his coffee. The difference is stricking, and they are worth trying together to understand the work of the farmer, and the influence of nature.
- Chiroso
- whisky aromatic และrosemary
- Urrao Antioquia
- 2100
Delicously grown by Granito de Oro
Harvested on
Carefully dry milled the